
14 Content Marketing Metrics to Measure Content Performance

14 Content Marketing Metrics to Measure Content Performance

In a content marketing strategy, you need to track some metrics to measure the effectiveness of your efforts. After all, constant monitoring is the key to successful delivery of high-quality content.

Some important rules are SEO, copywriting standards and understanding what the audience expects. When they are fulfilled, it is possible to achieve good results.

In this life cycle, from planning to content distribution, campaign monitoring is essential . The results shown attest to the success of the procedures and allow for occasional adjustments.

To make a qualified measurement, it is necessary to know the most important metrics. Some of them translate the effect of strategies and must be tracked frequently.

For this post, we’ve picked 14 of the most important content marketing metrics to track in 2022. Keep reading and learn more about all of these metrics!

1. Unique Page Views

In a content strategy, it is essential to know how many visits a page receives. This metric helps understand the level of traffic and interest in content.

Unique pageviews determine how many times each user views the page . It’s an exact number that eliminates redundancy, which helps make the measurement more accurate.

After all, the same user can view the page several times during a visit. In general, this number does not translate the number of times someone visited the page.

Unique pageview numbers are obtained by comparing views of a person on the same page and in the same session.

Thus, regardless of whether the user refreshes the page multiple times, you can be sure that it is a single access.

2. Average time on page

The time you spend on the page is one of the criteria for ranking in Google. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the average time on the page.

This metric is necessary to understand whether your content is generating real interest . The higher the average time on the page, the higher the acceptance and engagement.

It may be helpful to investigate which pages are underperforming according to this metric. Reasons can include unattractive content, poor UX design, and slow page loading.

You have to compare pages to understand the reason for the low results. So, check what successful pages bring compared to poorly performing pages.

Some of the reasons for the low average time on page are:

  • poor clarity
  • lack of scanability
  • The texts are too long
  • Bad user experience
  • poor content
  • Topics that do not interest you.

3. Pages / Sessions

Users can act in two ways when they go to your blog to consume content: they can reach the page of interest and leave that page, or they can enter and browse other content.

Pages/session metrics refer to the number of pages a user visited each time they were on your website .

The higher this number, the more interest the site generates for each visitor. Conversely, low numbers can show that the website in general does not have a lot of shareable content.

Pages/Sessions are one of the most important content marketing metrics because they help measure the quality of the overall strategy.

If there are a large number of pages/session, this is a sign that all the content posted may be of interest.

4. Likes and shares

Engagement is central to content strategies, so it’s always important to measure it. Likes and shares are a vital metric for this category.

The numbers are measured according to the total volume of likes and shares on posts on social media channels . The higher these numbers, the greater the chance of participation.

Good sharing on social media allows you to reach more people because likes and shares make posts more visible to a larger audience.

In addition to reach, this metric also measures users’ interest in content. After all, likes and shares are actions aimed at promoting something published and showing appreciation for it.

5. Feedback

Another important measure of engagement, comments measure the total number of this type of engagement in posts . They could be on social media or a blog.

Suspension is an important interaction because it requires some effort. Overall, the user who commented liked the content and found it useful.

It is always important to keep track of the number of comments, shares and likes. However, keep one point in mind: take the time to analyze what is being discussed.

Sharing is only helpful if the interaction is positive. Critical or dissatisfied comments should be a wake-up call to the marketing team.

6. Motion sources

Users can access your website through various sources. When you know which people are generating the most traffic, you can invest more in them and improve your results.

That’s why this is also one of the most important content marketing metrics.

Content should be disseminated across different channels such as social media and email marketing and placed in a place where it can be found in an organic Google search. Of course, some will be more attractive than others, generating different traffic.

The metrics we’re talking about will help determine which channels provide the best results when increasing traffic. This way you can focus your efforts and investments on those who have the most potential.

7. Organic traffic

Organic traffic shows the number of users who access your content through search engines . Of course, most of them will have Google as a source.

For any strategy, investing in organic traffic is essential due to its high accessibility, and it’s free. Therefore, great results can be achieved through careful optimization.

For this, mastering SEO is essential. It’s about producing high quality content, written in the most appropriate tactics, to drive traffic from Google.

8. Click-through rate (CTR)

CTR is the metric that indicates the rate at which a link is clicked compared to the views it gets . As one of the key content marketing metrics, these numbers are essential in organic traffic.

A good click-through rate (CTR) can indicate that a piece of content is of interest to the user when it is displayed on a search engine results page (SERP).

This participation can be enhanced by several factors, such as:

  • Attractive title.
  • A title that uses strong keywords;
  • use meta description;
  • Use excerpts.

You can access this metric in the Google Search Console dashboard. Displays the click rate per page, indicating data such as impressions and clicks.

9. Thread count

Content can generate leads; This is part of the strategy and one of the main intentions. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the size of the leads .

The number of leads indicates the number of users who shared data when the content was consumed. It is possible to get potential clients from:

  • call to action
  • landing pages
  • Contact Forms
  • Subscribe to newsletters.
  • Mail subscriptions
  • budget requests.

A large number of potential customers indicates that the strategy has a high degree of participation.

High-quality content can lead to this data being shared, regardless of whether the consumer intends to convert later.

The number of leads should only be viewed as an indicator of interest and potential sales. Conversions will depend on continuing to provide good content later in the marketing funnel.

10. Bounce rate

Bounce rate refers to the number of users who leave a page without visiting any other page on the site . This metric is necessary to measure the quality of what is presented in blogs.

Higher rates can, of course, mean a strategy that remains unconvincing. On the other hand, this does not mean that the content is bad, but it may not be attractive.

At the same time, high bounce rates can be normal if the page is new. For example, when you publish a new post, the repeat user will access, read and exit the other content, simply because they have already read the rest of the content.

Behind each scale it is essential to have an analytical and interpretive viewpoint. With the bounce rate is no different.

11. Conversion rate

Another essential metric for content marketing, conversion rate metrics are the percentage of users who access content and take an action .

Regardless of what is proposed in the business, conversion is the main objective of the strategy. There are several types of transfers, the most important of which are:

  • Leave a comment on the post;
  • Newsletter Subscription.
  • Subscribe to the form
  • Download the content.

The procedure depends on the type of content and especially the stage of the funnel. At the top, comments can be distracting, while at the bottom, asking for contact information is more common.

To calculate the conversion rate, divide the number of conversions by the number of visitors.

12. Track growth and subscribers

How many times have you heard that engagement rates are more important than followers?

This may be true, but you need to balance things out. The more followers, the higher the post-delivery expectations .

However, it can be interesting to look at the growth of followers over time. Does your content reach as many people as possible? Are you able to make it fresh and relevant so that it can be shared enough to attract new people?

13. SERP Ranking

How close is your business to the top of Google searches? Is your business ever on the front page?

SERP is an acronym for Search Engine Results Page , which is the ultimate goal of any SEO strategy.

The top five are the most controversial, so keep an eye on the rankings; After all, it’s also where you want to position your brand.

To do this, it is essential to follow SEO best practices such as choosing keywords, developing a link building strategy, creating friendly URLs, and getting as many backlinks as possible.

14. Backlinks

Backlinks are essential to building authority for content and especially traffic.

These links can be found internally, to other posts on your blog, and externally, to pages on other websites dealing with the same topic.

These metrics indicate, in a simple way, how many backlinks you have . In the analysis tools, you can also see your assets, which is essential.

The higher the rank of the page the link comes from, the better the content rank.

Content marketing metrics are always under the care of marketers. Tracking these results helps gauge the quality of your strategy and, if necessary, make adjustments to improve performance.


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